Rode Videomic Pro+ -suuntamikrofoni Rycote ripustuksella


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Tuotetunnus (SKU): VMP+ Osasto:

Take Your Audio to the Next Level

With its broadcast-grade condenser capsule, extended frequency response and tight supercardioid polar pattern, the VideoMic Pro+ delivers rich, warm, directional audio that has made it the go-to microphone for countless content creators and filmmakers. If you’re looking to take your camera audio to the next level, look no further.

DSLR camera with a VMP+ camera mounted on top floating above a hand

Flexible Features For Flawless Audio

The VideoMic Pro+ offers an extensive set of features to help you adapt to any recording scenario. This includes a high-pass filter for minimising low-end rumble caused by environmental noise like traffic and air conditioners, a high-frequency boost for enhancing clarity and detail in your recordings, and a three-stage gain control for ensuring your recording levels are perfect every time you shoot.

For added versatility, the VideoMic Pro+ features flexible power options, including via the included rechargeable lithium-ion battery, two AA batteries, or on-the-go USB charging. It also features a handy auto power on/off mode for extending battery life and ensuring you never miss a shot, plus a safety channel feature so you always have a clean backup of your recording.

man with dslr camera with a mounted VMP+

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